There are lands so wild they resist the touch of civilization, places of mountain and glacial river and primal forest that hurl back every incursion to the safety of softer lands. Yartar, on the Savage Frontier, looks upon such wilderness. Three rivers conjoin in these lands, flowing through their separate valleys. The Dessarin, Surbrin and Laughingflow provide transportation for those who keep to the rushing currents, and chuckle onward over their cascades about those who venture up onto the fir cloaked slopes and vanish into obscurity. Those who walk these lands and live are of two breeds: stout adventurers or the locals who carve a living from it, and who learned the use of sword and bow along with axe and skinning knife almost before they learned to walk. They know how to read the mountains, and how to live in them. Echoes of rocks clattering in the canyons or a hollow howl may be all the warning greenhorns get, that and the chuckling of the waters running red beneath the sun.

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Original top art "Soul of Fire" � 2003 Keith Parkinson -